Feb. 15. 1996

William G. Adams

To whom it may concern:

I'm Bill Adams, presently a police officer for the City of Scotts Valley, California. I've had a diverse background of careers including the U.S.Navy, a San Francisco bus driver, street car operator and a cable car gripman for ten years. I've been a furniture refinisher and a police dispatcher which has brought me to now.

Not long ago I came up with an idea for a novelty product involving a puzzle postcard. After thinking about it, making notes and basically doing nothing for a year or so, I saw an article in a local newspaper about David Thiermann.

I gave David a call and upon first talking with him I felt he was a person who cared, knew how to listen and if he thought you were making a mistake he'd tell you.

I met with David twice. I can't really remember all the things he said, but it was just what I needed. I do remember he paid me $10 in advance for my first sale if I ever developed the product.

It's only been months since our meeting. I've applied for a patent, assembled the product and begun distribution. There's nothing I'd like more than to make this my full time and retiring profession. The initial sales results have been very promising.

Thank you David for the boost of energy that I feel has taken me so far.


William G. Adams

Santa Cruz University™ • David Thiermann • (831) 435-9321